The idea of «unity» as an tool of public diplomacy in the conditions of war


  • Tetyana Bevz Інститут політичних і етнонаціональних досліджень ім. І. Ф Кураса НАН України

Ключові слова:

«unity», «unity in diversity», European unity, public diplomacy, Ukraine, European Union, war


Diplomacy is an important tool for ending war. From the first day of the war, Ukraine, the European Union and the United States began to build a diplomatic front against Russian aggression. Thanks to diplomacy, the whole world knows about Ukraine, about the country›s unity in the fight against the enemy. The world has united around us. If in the fall of 2013, the flag of the European Union contributed to the rallying of Ukrainians on the Maidan, but starting from February 24, 2022, the flag of Ukraine mobilized people within the European Union, Great Britain, the United States and other countries of the world. In the conditions of Russia›s full-scale war against Ukraine, the official slogan of the European Union «unity in diversity» is fully implemented for protection and peace on the European continent.

For the analysis, the case study method (situational research, «case» research) was used for the analysis in its uniqueness and uniqueness, as well as a holistic phenomenon in the entire set of connections that form it. Politicians and diplomats in the conditions of Russia›s full-scale war against Ukraine were very well aware of the effect and potential of public diplomacy, communicating with foreign state leaders, politicians, diplomats and citizens of foreign countries. In this context, the message or rather slogan of the President of Ukraine is quite successful: «I am working at all levels so that the world hears us and knows what we need». The style of Ukrainian foreign policy during the war was significantly different from «classical diplomacy». Public diplomacy has acquired a special importance. As time has shown, public diplomacy played not the least role in the introduction of six sanctions packages against the Russian Federation; arms deliveries from all over the world and the creation of the «Ramstein group» as a coordination group for synchronizing the supply of arms to Ukraine; American Lend-Lease, which has not been used since World War II; financial assistance; support for refugees; Ukraine›s candidate status for the European Union, which became another demonstration of the unity of European countries; international isolation of the Russian Federation.

The idea of «unity» and «unity in diversity» became an essential tool of public diplomacy in the conditions of war. Thanks to the heroism and courage of Ukrainians who defended their country, as well as thanks to public diplomacy, unified European approaches to understanding «war», «peace», «history», «tyranny», challenges and threats posed by Russia were formed. An important merit of public diplomacy was that the world has developed a stable habit of taking Ukraine into consideration.


