Museum as a socio-cultural and research institution (on the example of museums of Vinnytsia)


  • Tetjana Lebiď

Ключові слова:

museum, museum communication, museum audience, research activity, scientific-educational activity, exposition, collection, literary-memorial museum, museum-estate, scientific-fund work, website, QR- code


Being socio-cultural institutions of society, museums, through socio-cultural processes, unite generations of people, form their spirituality, dignity, and patriotism. The modern national doctrine envisages the formation of a civil polyethnosocial society, which ensures the historical perspective of Ukrainian statehood. In these conditions, museums put the idea of social functioning of patriotism as a social value and social mechanism to the fore.

Our research is related to the need to understand the museum as a socio-cultural institution, which was formed in accordance with the needs of society for the preservation of cultural heritage and is an important factor in the formation of civil society through the formation of citizens’ knowledge, beliefs, socially significant feelings, love for Ukraine, valuable attitudes towards history and culture. The application of the socio-cultural approach makes it possible to consider the museum in terms of its social, cultural and personal interpretation and explanation.

The cultural-historical environment and the activities organized around it, as one of the forms of socio-cultural practice, become the conditions for the revival of the regional culture of Vinnytsia. The cultural region, formed by the interaction of the natural and cultural-historical environment with modern socio-cultural practice, is the main object of the Vinnytsia museums. In modern conditions, museum activity is understood as the activity of society in relation to natural and cultural heritage. It is a component of local cultural processes, and the Vinnytsia museum network has formed into an independent cultural and economic complex. Museums become a means of organizing socio-cultural processes and socio-cultural centers within a certain territory, creating an active basis that allows this central region of Ukraine to function as a single cultural process. The main directions, traditional and innovative forms of work of the museums of Vinnytsia confirm the tendency of the socio-cultural functions of the regional museum to correspond to the social order: to promote the unification of people by involving them in learning about history and preserving culture.


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