A philosophical and anthropological approach to the research of the problems of dialogic training of future teachers in the conditions of the modern war challenges


  • Kateryna Fomin Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника

Ключові слова:

value transformation, Russian aggression in Ukraine, dialogic learning, philosophical and pedagogical anthropology, future teachers, intercultural dialogue


The article defines the main theoretical principles of philosophical and pedagogical anthropology in the organization of dialogic training of future teachers, taking into account the challenges of the Russian-Ukrainian war. The author analyzes the methodology of the outlined problem in historical retrospect - from the ancient Greek philosophers to modern educators’ scientific works. The importance of the implementation of an anthropological approach in the organization of dialogic learning, development, and education of the individual is emphasized. It is well-founded that philosophical-pedagogical anthropology allows a thorough analysis of the essence, and the existence of a human being, his/her spiritual and mental world; to realize each individual’s uniqueness of the inner world; take into account the opinion that humanity has no future without proper unity, dialogue of cultures, interaction, and communication, etc. The author asserts that the implementation of the principle of dialogue in the educational process is a real change of vector: from knowledge to creative thinking and human culture. Considerable attention is paid to the issue of the transformation of values, considering the war challenges, the mental characteristics of Ukrainians, and subjective and objective factors. In the article, dialogue is considered a form of education under the conditions of freedom of both the teacher and the student, interaction based on the principles of humanism and tolerance. It is emphasized that in the analysis of the problem of dialogic learning, it is worth taking into account the personification of the interlocutor’s message expressed in the dialogue because, without this, the exchange of ideas can be formal in nature. It was revealed that in the conditions of Russian military aggression against Ukrainian society, there was a value revaluation not only in education but also in other spheres of public life. Therefore, the author convincingly proves the necessity to study the outlined problem in an interdisciplinary context, both educational and intercultural dialogue.

Біографія автора

Kateryna Fomin, Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника

кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент,

доцент кафедри педагогіки початкової освіти


Тел.: +380506768806


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