Features of the organization of the educational process in Ukrainian universities in the conditions of war: public challenges and realities


Ключові слова:

pedagogy of partnership, innovations in wartime, distance education, university solidarity, information war, educational management in wartime


The article defines the relevance of the development and support of educational innovation processes and the peculiarities of the organization of university education in Ukraine during the difficult period of the Russian military aggression. The experience of distance education of Ukrainian students in wartime conditions is substantiated, in particular, the creation of special educational projects: online lessons, video lessons on YouTube and national TV; International Ukrainian School (for temporarily displaced persons abroad), All-Ukrainian Online School with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, etc.

The peculiarities of distance learning in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war as a large-scale innovation in the activities of universities are presented, and the ways of using digital resources and tools in educational activities are outlined. The management aspect of the organization of the educational process in university education is substantiated. Emphasis is placed on the necessity to use effective planning of an innovative strategy for the development of an educational institution, the management focus on qualitatively new changes, psychological-pedagogical team interaction based on empathy and partnership, the formation of a common vision of the directions of professional progress of a modern university. The effectiveness of the pedagogy of partnership is proven and an example of the solidarity of Ukrainian universities in the conditions of the russian military aggression is presented.

The results of a survey of higher education staff (146 respondents from different regions of Ukraine) are presented regarding their understanding of the current issues of technologization of education, the organization of distance learning, and the necessity to use educational innovations in the conditions of war. The innovative potential of digital education for improving learning/teaching methods in higher education institutions, as well as teachers’ ability to vary and be mobile in responding to social challenges of technology development, and socio-economic and military-political situation in the country, is emphasized.

Біографія автора

Olena Budnyk, Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника

доктор педагогічних наук, професор,

директор Центру інноваційних освітніх технологій «PNU EcoSystem»


+38066 0724940


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