The spiritual aspect of practical work with students of senior classes at integrated «art» lessons (in the context of developing special courses in the process of professional training of future music workers)


  • Larisa Bezemčuk Харківський національний педагогічний університет імені Г.Сковороди
  • Amalija Marte´mjanova Харківський національний педагогічного університет імені Г.Сковороди
  • Juje U Харківський національний педагогічний університет імені Г.Сковороди

Ключові слова:

art, high school student, online course, integration, tolerance, music teacher


The article emphasizes that a large-scale war, together with epidemiological difficulties, tests Ukrainian education for a person’s ability to cooperate, teaches to appreciate, hear, understand and respect other points of view, despite significant cultural, speech, religious and other differences. The essence of tolerance as a sign of spirituality in high school was analyzed. It was established that the goal of tolerance formation in senior schoolchildren is to foster the need and voluntary readiness for constructive interaction with peers and groups of people regardless of their national, gender, social, religious affiliation, views, worldview, thinking styles and nature of actions. Attention is focused on the fact that by getting involved in the traditions and cultural treasures of different peoples, high school students learn peace, acceptance and understanding of each other, the ability to interact positively in a team. The role of art in the formation of tolerance of students of grades 10-11, conducted on the basis of integrated education, is revealed. The place of Ukrainian musical culture in the global context of the “dialogue of cultures” during the study of modern art textbooks in high school is determined. The authors show the role of the special course as an effective form of training future music teachers for practical work with students. Special emphasis is placed on the specifics of special courses for school subjects that supplement the content of the state educational component or expand the system of specialized education. The topic of the special course for students of art faculties of pedagogical universities “Formation of tolerance of high school students in art lessons” according to the textbook “Art” in 10(11) grades of L. Masol was given. The methodical provision of practical work of students with students in the process of mastering it online is demonstrated. The authors emphasize that this special course contributes to the adaptation of music-pedagogical students to work in the conditions of distance (or mixed) form of education in institutions of general and specialized secondary education. The methods of teaching art in high school are characterized. It has been proven that the effective performance of the tasks of the special course on the formation of tolerance of high school students by means of art becomes the most effective tool for resolving conflicts between teenagers and contributes to the development of forms of coexistence of modern young people based on the principles of Love, Kindness, and Truth.

Біографії авторів

Larisa Bezemčuk, Харківський національний педагогічний університет імені Г.Сковороди

Кандидат педагогічних наук , доцент

Доцент кафедри музичного мистецтва


Amalija Marte´mjanova, Харківський національний педагогічного університет імені Г.Сковороди

Доцент кафедри музичного мистецтва


Juje U , Харківський національний педагогічний університет імені Г.Сковороди

аспірантка Харківського національного педагогічного університету імені Г.Сковороди.

(Викладач Нормального університету спеціальної освіти Нанкінг.Китай)


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