Adaptation of first-year students to new conditions of the educational environment in higher education institutions as a socio-pedagogical problem


  • Iurii Shcherbiak Західноукраїнський національний університет
  • Oleksandra Patriak Західноукраїнський національний університет

Ключові слова:

adaptation, adaptation process, educational activity, freshman, educational environment, socio- pedagogical conditions


The article describes the main aspects of socio-pedagogical adaptation of a first-year student, such as socio- psychological, didactic and psychophysiological. The factors of adaptation that can facilitate or hinder its success are indicated.

It is determined that during the training, students lay the foundations of professionalism, form the need and readiness for continuous self-education in a changing environment. This is largely determined by the success of adaptation processes that should be taken into account in the educational process.

The difficulties faced by first-year students when entering a new stage of life are analyzed. The reasons that determine the difficulties of the adaptation period are considered. As a result of studying this issue, we come to the conclusion that student adaptation is a complex, multifaceted and dynamic process that depends on many factors.

It was established that the problems associated with the assimilation of knowledge in the first year can be explained not by the low level of preparation at school, but by the lack of such personality traits as readiness for learning, the ability to learn independently, to control and evaluate themselves, to know one’s own peculiarities of cognitive activity; inability to allocate time for self-study properly. The success of the adaptation process depends on the psychological properties of the individual and the level of its development, which is determined by the optimal level of personal regulation of activity and behavior. The criteria of adaptability should be considered the student’s integration into the educational environment, determining one’s own place in the social and professional structure, the general level of health, the ability to develop in accordance with one’s own life potential, and a subjective sense of self-respect.

Optimization of the process of adaptation to studying in higher education institutions should involve understanding by teachers, supervisors and administration of the educational institution of the content, dynamics and features of student adaptation. Therefore, the organization of the educational process, taking into account the patterns of adaptation of students to various activities and living conditions, is the primary task of higher education.

The results of the survey of first-year students of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of the West Ukrainian National University are presented, which fully confirm the theoretical statements regarding the problems of the adaptation process of yesterday’s schoolchildren to the new conditions of the educational environment in higher education institutions.

Біографії авторів

Iurii Shcherbiak, Західноукраїнський національний університет

доктор педагогічних наук,

професор кафедри інформаційної та соціокультурної діяльності,

заступник декана соціально-гуманітарного факультету

Oleksandra Patriak, Західноукраїнський національний університет

кандидат економічних наук,

доцент кафедри інформаційної та соціокультурної діяльності,

соціально-гуманітарного факультету



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