Slovak Catholic Charity and Volunteering in a Time of Armed Conflict


  • Zuzana Budayová Catholic university in Ružomebrok

Ключові слова:

Slovak Catholic Charity, Volunteering, time of armed conflict, stages of assistance


The author describes and identifies the basic forms of assistance of the Slovak Catholic Charity in three stages of assistance and analyzes the consequences of the war in Ukraine not only on adults but especially on children. Although not exactly typical, he also points to the statement of Katarína Pajerská, who is the local coordinator in Mukachevo: „The mood is such that:“ God is behind us, there is a win behind us. „ . There is no way for them to give up on their own. From the beginning, there were ambitions for discussions or some peace agreements. President Zelensky himself was also interested in negotiating, but the Russians wanted all of Ukraine to give up what they would not allow.“ [5]

Біографія автора

Zuzana Budayová, Catholic university in Ružomebrok

PhDr. Mgr. , PhD.

 Faculty of Theology, Theological institute



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