Features of providing crisis psychological assistance


  • Marija Brigadir Західноукраїнський національний університет

Ключові слова:

crisis, stress, psychoeducation, psychological first aid, crisis counseling


The article examines the theoretical and applied aspects of the organization of crisis psychological assistance. Psychological counseling and psychotherapy in usual, everyday normal conditions has substantive differences and features, is characterized by structure, ambiguity, and programmability. As for working conditions in the circumstances of the crisis, there are many unusual procedural situations that require a new understanding and interpretation. In addition, the range of problems is so wide that it affects ethical, technical, organizational, etc. question. When organizing crisis psychological assistance, it is important to take into account the specifics of the event, the subjective state and experiences of the participants, and, depending on the specifics of the manifestation of reactions and reaction time, to build support strategies. The article defines the reasons for the emergence of crisis situations and the peculiarities of their existence, in particular describes: the differences between emergency and extreme situations; features of living events caused by nature and human activity. Signs of the appearance of stress reactions in response to the crisis are indicated. The differences between: chronic, acute and traumatic stress were analyzed; eustress and distress. The consequences of living in crisis events are studied. Signs of acute stress reaction, acute stress disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder are prescribed. Describes the types of psychological assistance provided during a crisis. The potential and expediency of psychoeducation as a powerful preventive mechanism in the emergence of negative reactions to the crisis is indicated. The specifics of providing psychological first aid (principles of organization, algorithms of action in various circumstances) are described in detail. The specifics of crisis counseling are indicated. One of the most important elements of crisis counseling is providing support, stabilization and finding resources. Active listening is critical, and unconditional acceptance and reassurance must also be present. Methods and algorithms for providing psychological help in a crisis are the result of an eclectic mix of theories: psychoanalytic (ego forces, psychic energy), existential (the idea coincides with the Chinese idea of danger and opportunities, acceptance of personal responsibility), humanistic (optimism, hope, growth), cognitive- behavioral (identification of keys to a crisis state), family-systemic (self-regulation, feedback, counteraction and calibration). To date, short-term programs of crisis psychological assistance have proven themselves well, such as: 8-step program for dealing with loss for adult children and adolescents; model ABC trauma-focused therapy CBT and EMDR. Crisis assistance programs have also been developed in other areas of psychotherapy, but they are not as publicized and regulated.

Біографія автора

Marija Brigadir, Західноукраїнський національний університет

кандидат психологічних наук,

доцент кафедри психології та соціальної роботи 


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