The Basilian spirituality as a result of renovation of monastic life in the order after reforms made by the participation os Jessuits. Issue of identity


  • Bohdan Nasypanyi Uniwersytet Jana Pawła II w Krakowie


The article touches upon the issues of spirituality of the Basilian Order in historical context. The spirituality of the Order is treated mainly as a side view which had been formed from the st. Basil’s period and his idea of organisation of monastic life till reformation time of the 17th – 20th centuries.

The main attention is given to studying of symbiosis of Basilian and Jessuit’s traditions and understanding of spirituality in the new rules of monastic life which have arisen as a rusult of reformation, and the next questions: how strong was the influence of Jessuit’s way of unterstanding of spirituality and faith into Basilian one? What were the consequences of such an influence? Was it positive or negative?

The role of Joseph Rutsky as the first reformer of Basilian’s Order is analyzed. The importance of reforms of 1606, 1686 and 1882 – 1904 as the interaction of two trends of spirituality is proved.

Jesuits introduced a number of elements of Ignatian spirituality to Basilian monastic life. They are: spiritual reading, examination of conscience, every day’s reading the church rule as well as serving of the Holy Liturgy. The Holy Communion was given to the monks twice a week, a novitiate was created.

The next two reforms of Basilian Order – Novgorod Chapter (1686) and Dobromyl Reform (1882 – 1904) result in agreement between Kyyiv Metropolitan and Basilian Order as well as amendment of Chapter Constitution and Rules of Monastic life written by Joseph Rutsky. At the time of the reform, the Jesuits became the abbots of the “new” Basilians.

The conclusions of the research are the next: the Jesuits fulfilled their mission very well. They strengthen the spirituality of the newly formed Order of Basilians with features that were integral elements of their monastic spirituality. The Basilians received from Ignatians consistency, systematic character and accomplishment. Their spirituality became more apostolic and missionary. Like the Jesuits, they became a powerful force of the Church in book publishing, preaching, spiritual guidance, and schooling.

Біографія автора

Bohdan Nasypanyi, Uniwersytet Jana Pawła II w Krakowie

Doktorant na Uniwersytecie Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, Polska

Absolwent Wyższego Seminarium Duchownego im. Patriarchy Josypa Slipego w Tarnopolu. Później kontynuował studia w Polsce na Uniwersytecie Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, gdzie uzyskał tytuł magistra teologii oraz licencjat kościelny. Obecnie jest doktorantem na Uniwersytecie Jana Pawła II na trzecim roku studiów i jest w trakcie napisania rozprawy doktorskiej. W czasie studiów brał udział w konferencjach naukowych w Ukraińskim Uniwersytecie Katolickim i Kijowskim Uniwersytecie Narodowym im. Tarasa Szewczenki.


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