The question of national identity and its reflection in the artistic vision


  • Olha Blashkiv West Ukrainian National University

Ключові слова:

identity, national, cultural, character, author, literary work, symbol, mythology


This study is devoted to the problem of national identity and the investigation of this concept in relation to fiction.

The predominance of culturological and linguoculturological approaches in the research of the national prompted an attempt to develop our own language for describing the representation of the national in literary studies.

It has been established that the national picture of the world is a mobile, dynamic formation, the components of which are formed gradually in the process of the formation of national culture and depending on the prevailing points of view on the nature of the national in society.

The special nature of the national identity of the enslaved peoples is being studied. Consequently, the subject of research in the article is national identity and its manifestation in the literary works of the Ukrainian writer Oles and the outstanding representative of Irish literature W. B. Yeats.

In the process of imposing the values of the colonial culture on the colonized peoples, such a phenomenon of national identity as dual identity was created, which became the object of our research. The phenomenon of dual identity is studied as an attempt by writers of different cultures to create a structured model of the author’s consciousness. Analysis and contextualization of literary creations of writers with a subordinate identity of vibrations, based on two key concepts: the land and the first of which symbolize one hour at a time when the creation of the creation and the vastness of the auditory the other is the cultural identity of the author and the original text. Acceptance from the іnshe movne middle-class writer- emigrant (W. .B. Yeats) has taken over his testimony of the national and cultural peculiarities of the fatherland of ancestors.

It has been established that the historical dimension of the national picture of the world allows us to consider national literature as a narrative telling about national history through events, characters, symbols, but at the same time the myth of national history exists precisely in its “imaginary” dimension, nonlinearly correlating with real historical events.

It is established that folklore-mythological and national-artistic elements, introduced in the form of reminiscences, archetypes, widespread use of traditional, national, biblical symbols (in the case of W. B. Yates it is the use of symbols of Eastern culture), are the main ways to create a national art world.

It has been proved that the identity of the authors crystallizes in the process of establishing the social and cultural norms, the glorious ideas and assessments of the economic significance and sense in the life of people. The article establishes that the specificity of the literary representation of the national is also manifested in the variety of interactions with other forms of culture: it sometimes puts forward mythologemes that are not in demand by other forms of cultural and political consciousness, sometimes creates concepts that are ready to be introduced into the mental field of the nation.

Біографія автора

Olha Blashkiv, West Ukrainian National University

PhD in Philological Sciences,

Assistant professor of the Department of Information and Socio-Cultural Activities, West Ukrainian National University, (Ukraine, Ternopil)


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